Lighten Up For Summer: Clear The Clutter For A Healthier You!

Summer is one of my favorite seasons and I also find it the perfect time to help clients refresh and rejuvenate their minds and bodies by CLEARING CLUTTER! You may be thinking - REALLY? But trust me, I see this work every single time, so be open to this one! Whether the clutter is in your pantry, fridge, body, or mental space, clearing it can set the stage for a more vibrant, healthy, and balanced you. 

Decluttering right before summer is ideal because you get to move out the clunkiness of winter/spring and open up your mind, body, and home to the healthy brightness of the growing season. My clients always benefit from clearing (which is really nourishing) their spaces at this time so I hope you’ll give it a try too! A lot will grow from it, I promise!

- Boosts Mental Clarity: 
Studies show that a tidy space reduces stress and enhances focus, making it easier to embrace new habits and goals.
- Supports Healthy Eating: An organized pantry and fridge make it simpler to choose nutritious options and avoid mindless snacking.
- Encourages Physical Well-being: Lightening up your diet with seasonal, fresh foods can invigorate your body, helping you feel more energetic and balanced.

1. Refresh Your Pantry and Fridge:
- Clean Out Expired Items:
Remove any expired or unused items. This creates space for fresh, healthy foods.
- Organize by Category: Group similar items together. This makes it easier to plan meals and snacks.
- Stock Up on Seasonal Produce: Summer offers a bounty of fruits and vegetables. Fill your fridge with colorful, nutrient-rich options.

2. Freshen Up Your Foods:
- Incorporate Fresh Foods:
Focus on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. 
- Stay Hydrated:
Increase your water intake, and enjoy refreshing herbal teas and water-rich foods like cucumbers and melons.
- Mindful Eating: Pay attention to portion sizes and savor each bite. This helps you connect with your body's hunger and fullness cues.

3. Create Mental Space:
- Practice Mindfulness:
Set aside a few minutes each day for mindfulness or meditation. This helps clear mental clutter and reduces stress.
- Smplify Your Schedule: Prioritize your tasks and let go of unnecessary commitments. This allows more time for self-care and relaxation.
- Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors to recharge and gain perspective. Nature can be a wonderful balm for a busy mind.

Embrace New Phases with Compassion
Remember, just like nature, we all go through different phases and seasons in life too. It is important to approach the transitions we feel and experience with compassion, understanding, and even a little bit of excitement for all the possibilities. By creating extra "space" in your physical, mental, and nutritional environments, you're setting yourself up for a smoother, more beautiful, and joyful journey!

If you need some extra support or personalized guidance, connect with me here . Let's make this Summer your best yet!